We rang in the New Year celebrating with friends. Our good friends, the Clark Family hosted the New Year's Eve party at their home. Everyone was told to get a babysitter for their young kids (which of course doesn't apply to us since our "kid" is 20 years old) and surprisingly many of the adults at the party were able to find babysitters!
We convinced Moe to come with us for the first hour of the party before he joined his friends for their own New Year's Eve party. Moe stayed at the party for nearly two hours. He was surprised to find that he was enjoying talking to the "older folks" and the good food was enough for him to stay longer.
We played a game of "Would You Rather" which is a great game with a big group. From that game, I found out a lot of interesting information about myself. For example: I would rather have brown teeth than have a hairline that my extends down to my eye brows- you can always get veneers.
Though I tend to be more comfortable with parties of small groups (opposite of RM), I still had a GREAT time. We came home after two am and it took us another hour to wind down before we went to bed.
(taken at a restaurant in Lake Tahoe)
It took a few days to recover from our late night "partying" (hard to believe that I used to be a night owl) and stayed in South Lake Tahoe for a few days to enjoy the snow and be away from home. It was a great opportunity to be away from the distractions to discuss with Moe his goals for school.
As we discussed our goals for 2013, we also reflected on the ups and downs of 2012.
I decided not to make a list of resolutions this year- if I did the list would be endless.
I only have one item on my New Years Resolution list for 2013...."My well being and happiness comes first before my family and friends." That may sound like a selfish goal, but I assure you it is far from being selfish.
It has taken me so many years to realize that when I take care of myself first:
I am a better partner and wife
I am a better mother
I am better friend
I serve better in church and in my community
I'm a better person
The stress that I have dealt with extended family members has affected my health: it's a wake up call. In order for me to be healthy and happy, I have to distance myself from those family members, even at the risk that I may come across as aloof, cold, and unfeeling.
I finally get what RM has told me all these years......the most important people in our life are the ones under our roof.
I owe it to RM and Moe, and most importantly myself to be healthy and happy- that is one goal worth striving for.
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