Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2012

For many years Christmas Eve was celebrated at my (adopted) mother's home.  Over the years, my mother developed health issues and we moved Christmas Eve to my sister Steph's home. 
Pictured in the middle is my favorite brother in law Eddy. (I actually say that to all of my brother in laws because they're all great!)
My sister Steph pictured with our mother.
We have a huge Christmas Eve dinner and afterwards we exchange presents.  My mother loves to  bring Santa's Stockings presents to my nephew Tommy and to Moe and they love opening them!
 After opening presents, it's time for a Christmas music jam session!
RM on the piano.  Eddy on the electric guitar.  Moe on the ukulele and vocals.  I tried to be a backup singer....and was promptly kicked out out of the band. 
 It was another great Christmas Eve celebration!
We arrived home after midnight.  I immediately climbed into bed and fell asleep, while Moe and RM stayed up late wrapping presents for me!
Before they went to bed, RM watched Moe put out cookies and milk for Santa. 
When RM asked Moe if he was just a little too old for that, Moe shrugged his shoulders with a slight smirk on his face and replied, "Old habits die hard."
We didn't have a Christmas morning because we all slept in past 10am! 
It was a chilly 30 degrees outside (cold for Northern California standards)
One of Moe's favorite gift items:  rope
Camouflage hunting masks for Moe and RM.  The theme this year for gifts was "doomsday preparations".  RM's big gift from myself and Moe was a high tech flashlight- he loved it.
RM and Moe's gift for me was a set of PJ's from a designer that I absolutely love and some fuzzy slippers- they were perfect gifts!
Later we had Christmas dinner with the sister missionaries:  Sister Angamarau and Sister Vaughn. 
After dinner, we played some board games.
The dinner was a bust- it wasn't up to the standard that RM and I have for a great dinner.  We blamed it on a small kitchen, being overtired and lack of sleep.
Despite a disappointing dinner menu, there were lots of laughter, smiles, and the spirit of Christmas was felt by everyone.


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