Friday, August 24, 2012

Drive until you get lost

The past two weeks have been filled with uncertainty and making some hard decisons.  It is extremely hard to concentrate on one task at work when you've got so much things whirling through your head. 
One morning RM and I were getting a protein smoothie from Jamba Juice before we started work. 
When we got into our car, RM looked at me and said, "I think we should go for a long drive."
I gave him this puzzled look and responded, "Where do you think we should drive to?"
RM answered, "We drive until we get lost."
We played hooky from work and started to drive- the opposite direction from work.
On our drive we talked about the future, our various options, and our family.  We came to an agreement with some important decisions and felt....GREAT.
After we made those decisions, I looked around the road and asked RM if he knew where we were.
He parked the car on the side of the road, went outside to look for some familiar landmarks, and when he came back inside, he had this huge grin and said, "I think we're really lost."
Thankfully we had our GPS to help us get back home.


wendy said...

I THINK...your hubby was inspired that day. This is one of the greatest "lets just do it" kind of moments I've read in a loooong time.
Drive...just drive without a destination and let your thoughts take you "wherever".
The freedom of NOT knowing where you are going is VERY much like life.
Sometimes we think we have the map right in front of us and we know all the stops we want to take.
and yet.......
we get lost
No GPS sometimes (other then prayer and faith..that is the GPS of life)
So you drive.........
and after pulling over, how can you not laugh at the analogy of it all.
we may not always know what is going to happen to us in life, haven't a CLUE sometimes....
yet we have to take that journey
And .....after time......we laugh at how we survived it all.

GOSH LISTEN TO mind is going a million directions right now.

old world sunflower said...

I luvvv this post!! This is exactly what happened my husband and I, except I was the one wanting to take the drive, I felt that we needed to start securing the well being for our family... Making our dreams a reality! I so can relate to this sense of discovery!! Have a wonderful day!

old world sunflower said...

I luvvv this post!! This is exactly what happened my husband and I, except I was the one wanting to take the drive, I felt that we needed to start securing the well being for our family... Making our dreams a reality! I so can relate to this sense of discovery!! Have a wonderful day!

Ashley said...

Why doesn't my husband say this??? I think this is the best, most romantic thing I've heard in a long time. I want to play hookie with Dave like right now. Sounds like the best day. Sometimes you just need to talk and figure things out and I just love that you guys did this.