Monday, April 16, 2012

Pictures that make me smile

As much as I missed having Moe at home, it felt good that he was back at school, and getting back into the swing of things. And since this is my blog, I'm going to brag about my kid.

He received his grades for the semester and has a....3.74 GPA!

He debated whether to drop a few of his classes or drop out of the semester because of the pain he was enduring, but he stuck it through and we're proud of him!

Here are just a few pictures that have been taken over the past few months that put a huge smile on my face:

It's still hard for Moe to sit up for long periods of time, but he was able to bear and grin it for several hours at a family birthday party. I love Moe's smile and RM has the ability to smile with his eyes- that's talent!

The view from our front window. I get a view of coyotes, jack rabbits, and a few wild turkeys. If there's ever a shortage of meat- I know where to go.

My brother's two youngest boys. When RM saw this picture he said, "That's big tadpole & little tadpole."

The Sleeping Tadpoles

I've gained ten additional pounds while Moe was going through his health crisis, which now gives me a total of 40 pounds to lose, but I'm okay with it. I have learned to love and appreciate my body now, instead of waiting to love it when I'm a smaller size.

When my sister in law wanted to take my picture, I was ready to duck and hide. Instead of hiding- I made myself smile which resulted in the above picture.

So it's a picture that makes me smile...with just a hint of a grimace.


Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Oh my, that's a lovely photo of you! You look like you're thinking, "This is what a survivor looks like!")

I'm glad Moe's health is on the upswing and that you can take some time to focus on YOU!

Kristina P. said...

I am so glad Moe is doing better!!

old world sunflower said...

So glad to hear that Moe is doing better, I bet your mind and nerves have finally eased up just a bit, and what are you talking about that picture of you is beautiful! Have a wonderful day!!! Diana