Friday, April 6, 2012

Healing Hands

Though Moe's doctor was confident that Moe would do well after the surgery- RM and I were hesitant to believe. The past few months we have heard doctors telling us he would be fine, and he wasn't.

This time...the doctors were right!

Three days ago, Moe got out of bed and told us that his head didn't hurt anymore. We were ecstatic.

After RM and I left his room, we went downstairs, and both started crying. It's been a long road to recovery and has taken an emotional toll on all of us.

RM and I discussed miracles of modern day medicine and for a doctor who literally had "Healing Hands". It's her expertise, technology, her hands, & prayers that have led to Moe's full recovery.

Moe's still sore and is able to get out of bed several hours a day, but each day his body gets stronger.

On This Easter weekend, we're grateful for answered prayers and for "Healing Hands."

1 comment:

wendy said...

That is just WONDERFUL news!!! I can hear your sigh of relief and gratitude waaaaay up here in Canada.