I started blogging about 3 years ago. I remember being a bloggie newbie and being really excited getting comments, and getting to know bloggers from around the world- it was fun! I blogged almost every day for a long time and then it got to a point where blogging stopped being fun.
I read somehwere that you should blog frequently, if you want to get a lot of readers. But I wasn't having fun blogging on a daily basis, and it became a chore. And then a light bulb went on- who is my most important reader? Me!
JK Rowling the author of the Harry Potter books said she didn't have a particular audience in mind when she writes, she writes for herself. She doesn't write what she thinks readers want to read. I believe that's what made her one of the best authors of our time.
I am no JK Rowling, but I noticed when I wrote what I thought people would want to read- I didn't feel like blogging. It was a self-imposed pressure.
With that realization, my style of blogging finally evolved into a family journal/scrapbook of sorts. I became inspired when I read of bloggers turning their blog into a book. And I want my descendants to read my blog book and get a glimpse into the life of their grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother.....
The subject that I'm most passionate about is my family- they're an endless supply of writing material. And that is another reason why my blog has become more of a family scrapbook.
And since this blog has become more about my dealings with my family, it's important that I protect their privacy from random strangers who come across my blog from a search engine. So that means my blog will become private.
If you're interested in being added to read my private blog, send me an email to hkweighsin@gmail.com and give me your email address to add you on. I'll keep this post up until the end of this week.
Next week...this blog is going private. I know my super private hubby RM is pretty happy about that!
1 week ago
Of course I want to be added to the list!
And I am grateful to be part of your private blog....keep a writin' sister....and write for yourself
Excellent thoughts here about "writing what YOU want to write about"
with no audience in mind....that is cool.
(p.s. never read any of the Harry Potter books, just saying)
I will be happy to see your journey with this family of yours that you love so much.
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