Moe and I went out to lunch today and I had a really good time with him. We talked about his friends and then we discussed politics and current events. When I asked him who he was going to vote for Governor of California, he replied, "I'm not sure yet. I have to really look at the pros and cons of each candidate."
When did we go from talking about what he did at recess, to discussing choosing the right governor to vote for?
I know he's eighteen years old, but sometimes it feels surreal that the child I gave birth to, has a voice of his own- on politics, religion, and everything else that is happening around the world.
Don't get me wrong, he's still a teenager that loves to play video games, hanging out with his friends and chatting online via FaceBook. But he truly cares what happens outside of his "teenage sphere".
Several months ago, there was discussion that there would be more cutbacks in our schools. Moe was so frustrated he said, "Don't they know when you cut education, you affect a kid's education?" "And then what happens to the future of America when all the kids get limited education?"
My intelligent response was, "I have no idea. I guess it would really suck big time."
He gave me this 'I can't believe you're my mother' look and proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the day, hoping RM would come home from work soon, to provide him with more stimulating conversation.
Since then I've been better at keeping up with current events for two reasons:
1. It's important to be informed.
2. Because Moe likes talking about it.

I think it's great you have such a close relationship with him.
I love talking politics with my kid. They really do grow up so fast.
I love talking politics with my kid. They really do grow up so fast.
OOPS....didn't mean to say the same thing twice.
I think your reasons are right on. It's important to be informed. We have been given an opportunity to vote and have freedom. Too many people don't recognize that & take it for granted. And, you recognized something important to you your son & have made it something important for you. You're a great example to me!
I want this feeling of connection with my oldest son. You motivate me to work harder at reaching it.
I agree with you I have been in the same spot with my kids and now they won't converse with me about these topics because I really stepped up my game on being informed and now they say I get to hyper when I talk about issues!!!! Hey thanks for stopping by the sunflower, can you believe it was only 50 dollars!! Enjoy your weekend!!
I don't remember the exact time that I became friends with my mom.... but I am glad I am. Enjoy your boy turning into a man!!!
Isn't it so fun to watch them grow up? I love talking to teens. They are so intelligent/funny/dumb all at the same time!
Good for Moe. He really is growing up right before your eyes. Maybe one day HE'LL run for governor of California......or not.
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