A few years ago, we were at a train museum and as we were looking at the different life size trains that have been built in the past century- RM saw a pole inside one of the trains and... used it as an opportunity to show off his pole dancing skills!
Thankfully the only people that were there to witness RM's "dancing", was myself, my brother-in-law and his wife.
Actually I was pretty impressed with RM's pole dancing and it gave me an idea-the next time RM becomes unemployed, he could be a pole dancer and I'll be his agent.
Just think of the money we could make!

He is a natural!! This can't be his first time. :)
LOL! That's hilarious.
ABout the post below... I feel you. I needed to read that and remember it always!
Sexy man.... I love it!!!
Hey... you gotta do what you gotta do
Go RM Go!!
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