I can finally say it: Moe is a Scouts Eagle! It has been a fourteen year journey to get to this point. Moe has worked really hard balancing school, sports, and scouts. It has not been an easy ride. One of the things that the Scout Council required was to submit three recommendation letters. It could be a teacher from school, church, someone from the community or a relative.
Moe chose one of his scout leaders and another leader from our church to write his letters and he asked me to write one too. I wanted to convey in my letter that Moe has many of the traits that a Scout is expected to have.
In the Scout handbook, it lists these traits for a Scout: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.
After pondering on the traits of a Scout and comparing it to Mitchell and remembering the trials that Moe has gone through- I wrote this letter:
April 27, 2010
Dear Members of the Eagle Board of Review,
Several years ago, my husband was laid off from work. To ease the financial burden, Moe tried to find ways to earn money. He already had a busy schedule with early morning church seminary, school choir, scouts, football, and a full load of classes; finding a traditional job to fit into his schedule was difficult, but it did not deter him. Moe became creative and started selling his video games and collection of comic books. He collected aluminum cans and sold them at the recycling center. And when his schedule was free during the weekends, he worked at a catering service. It was during my husband’s unemployment, that Moe learned the value of hard work.
I’ve seen Moe persevere during adversity and he knows that with every trial there is always something to learn from it. He works at turning his weaknesses into strengths. It is his discipline, work ethic, love of country and God, his service to his fellowmen that leads me to recommend him for the rank of Eagle.
“Celebrate your success and stand strong when adversity hits, for when the storm clouds come in, the eagles soar…” this is a quote that applies to my son Moe. He has become a person of character and integrity- not because of his successes, but the way he deals with adversity.
Though Moe does not have the official status of Eagle rank, he’s already an Eagle that soars.
Best Regards,
(proud mom)

I love your letter! Moe is great! What a great accomplishment. My baby (15) is working on his Eagle project right now. He will finish it in July.
Wow, what an accomplishment for a young man, and your letter spoken like the mom you are to him proud of who he is!! Oh by the way what a good looking family you have and you look beautiful! Have a wonderful day
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