Last week, we went on a mini getaway for a few days. Hence the title of this post, which is a line from the song "Vacation" from the GO GOs. It was great and we had a great time! My eating wasn't great, in hindsight I could have prepared some healthy snacks for the road. I could have planned out the places that we would go out to eat, but in looking back I don't regret it. My husband took a few days off last week and we decided at the last minute to go away.
The only bad part of our mini vacation was....coming back! I wish it was longer!
Today was weigh in day and I gained a pound. No surprise. I'm not vacation anymore and it's back to the real world, to busy schedules, and to eating right. My husband will be taking a week off towards the end of July and this time I'll be more prepared with healthier snacks to eat.
Food for Thought: "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today". H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Vacations are nice and neccessary. Baack on the horse! Good for you. And to only gain a pound isn't bad. You'll be rid of it lickity split!
Vacations are definitely necessary sometimes...I'm glad you enjoyed yours!! You'll have that pound off in not time, and I'm sure it was totally worth it! :)
hey at least you are back in the swing of things. Thanks for the comment on my blog it is so helpful
Welcome back. How nice you had a little get-away. And good for you for getting back in the swing of things.
Glad you enjoyed your vacation! And one pound is not bad. It could have been muuuch worse! :)
Way to keep it in perspective. Welcome back!
A one pound gain is great considering you were on Vacay!! You can drop that NO problem. Welcome back!!-Krista
I always love reading the "Food for thought" at the end of your posts. They are always full of wisdom. :)
My husband gets vacation in a couple of weeks and I am so glad you mentioned planning ahead. I hadn't even thought anything about preparing for situations that can happen spur of the moment. I will try to be prepared.
And thanks for all the encouragement on my helps so much. :)
But look at the GREAT choices you made that you would have NEVER even given a 2nd thought to that were the RIGHT decisions while on vacation this time?! Eh, a pound. Back on track, on the attack, never come back! RIGHT?!
I gained 1.2 lb.s this week too. I knew I misbehaved a lot but I made some better choices, even in my "bad" choices I made. For instance, ate out late night at Perkins... 4th meal deal... dying 4 french toast... went to order the regular big order, instead opted for the 3 piece (short stack) french toast instead of the 5 piece. Great choice! Bad choice all around, but still better than I would have done BEFORE I decided to get healthy!
Mistakes are fine, bumps in the road are expected. We are human.
Glad you enjoyed your time away!
Yeah, I think you did great to only gain one pound under those circumstances!! Really great.
Sound like me! I hope you can get back on track after your vacation. after my mini 2 day vacation in chicago i have been eating everything in sight! i need to get back on track bad!!! i am glad you had a great time!
Sound like me! I hope you can get back on track after your vacation. after my mini 2 day vacation in chicago i have been eating everything in sight! i need to get back on track bad!!! i am glad you had a great time!
I think it's great that you only gained a lb! :)
- Lisa
It sounds like you needed a good getaway, H.K. Sometimes we just need to leave the rigid dieting behind for a couple of days and relax and enjoy ourselves--and not worry so much about food and calories and points, etc. Returning with just a 1-pound gain isn’t bad at all. Now you just need to get back on track and kick your diet into high gear until your next vacation arrives! I know you’ll do it! :-D
I just caught up on your last two posts. I'm right with ya. I was hoping when summer hit I'd have more time to focus on me (what was I thinking) and the change of routine would be a good change and motivation to try new things. Blah. I haven't been doing good at all and am recommitting. You're awesome! I love reading your blog and hearing how you're doing. Glad you got to have a little get away.
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