I know I would have not been able to get through it without the help of every one who gave me such helpful tips and encouragement on my last post. Thank you for that! I'm not beating myself up for caving into the cravings. I tried eating lower calorie treats and this time it did not satisfy the taste buds. I just got crankier!
As soon as I put that chocolate treat in my mouth, the nerves were soothed, the muscles were relaxed, the twitches stopped, I was able to smile, and my husband called his attorney to stop the divorce proceedings. All was well.
Other than that, I have gone almost 13 days without overeating, recording my food intake & exercising consistently! I need to stop eating a snack before I go to bed. Even though the snacks is low cal, I know that if I don't stop that, the low cal snacks will one day turn into a high fat, high cal snack! So, starting today no snacking 3 hours before I go to bed!
Food for Thought: "You don't develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity."

I cracked up when you said, "I survived it and also the unfortunate souls who came into contact with me" Hilarious!
13 days without overeating is effing awesome, I love your willpower! Keep it up but remember even if you do overeat, its not the end of the world, it just feels like it is :)
Glad you made it through and the divorce proceedings were halted. =)
I think you deserve a hand clap!! [clapping at my desk for you] That "time of the month" is the hardest part for me! Why do we have to CRAVE very bad things?!? Great job, it's quite an accomplishment to get through the "cycle" without overeating! Pat yourself on the back!! :)
So glad you made it. :)
I, unfortunately, gave in to my cravings and stuffed my face most of the weekend. Which, of course, led to "eaters regret" if there is such a thing. You know, the "why did I eat all of that" feeling you get after you gorge on way too much food. I'll do better this week!!
I absolutely love your Food for Thought quote today. I so agree with that. I try to eat fruit before I go to bed if I want anything.
THREE hours before bed. Your brave. I wish i could committ to that! Glad the divorce was averted...lol.
Got a funny email over the weekend with many offerings as to what "PMS" really stands for - my favorite: potential murder suspect.
::oh, pardon me. Still giggling over Gigi's comment.:) ::
Good for YOU for managing the cravings the best way you could! Looks like all is well...
I am so happy for you!!! You are doing an awesome job!!!! I am happy to hear that the divorce was cancelled and that your fam still loves you! Sometimes you just gotta have that chocolate....you just have to... : )
YOU ARE MY HERO! Keep up the good work! I've really thought about what you said earlier..."never regret not having seconds, not be sad didn't cave in...etc". I'm trying to tell myself that when I'm tempted to throw in the towel!
Thanks so much for the comment you left on my blog today. I really appreciate it! :0
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