Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year - New Beginning!

I'm already liking the new year! I feel like I'm going through a total makeover- spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We're only less than a month into the new year and already I've made some changes....

I'm still looking for a job- I need to feel useful and its always great to have extra cash! In the meantime, I've been taking some classes and have met some really interesting people. And I just joined a job networking group that meets once a week. It was great to meet other housewives who are going back into the work force after raising their kids.

I'm also making an effort to let Moe be himself. This is the year that I have to trust that the decisions he makes in his life are what's best for him. We've taught, guided, and encouraged Moe to make decisions that will help him be a better person. And whatever decisions he makes, we'll support him.

I have let go of relationships, made some new ones, and renewed old ones.

I've lost eight pounds and I'm training to participate in a half marathon in May! I have a friend who is a veteran marathoner and wants to help me train for it. We've already started a slow pace. I haven't worked out in a long time and I'm starting at ground zero! She's optimistic that I'll be ready in May, but I've decided that if I still don't feel ready- there's another half marathon in October that I'll run in. That will be one item that I can look forward to crossing off from my "Bucket List"!

I have heard that you can tell what the size of your God is by looking at your worry list. The longer your list, the smaller your God; I'm learning to make my list shorter and let God take over. Trials and obstacles will always come our way and often we don't have control over them. That's when I turn them over to the Lord and ask for His help- it's the only way for me to get through the day.

I wasted most of last year feeling sorry for myself and letting grief take a hold of me. This year will be different. Instead of praying for things that I want and need, I pray for peace and acceptance.

It's going to be a great year!


Kristina P. said...

Sounds like things are off to such a great start!

The Crazy Coxes said...

It WILL be a great year! It sounds like you are doing really well! I'm happy for you and all of the exciting new things you have going on.

Suzanne said...

Love the attitude! :)

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Awesome post H.K. I think acceptance is key along with growing into a better person than we were the year before!

old world sunflower said...

Good for you, what a great outlook to have in life, I have also been working out and have lost a total of 56 pounds since July of 2010, and would like to run in the chicago marathon this Oct. but I don't know if I will be ready, I am really concentrating on just being healthy and feeling good about my body, and I know you can do this, sometimes it is the negative thoughts about ourselves that are the hardest to lose not the weight, keep pressing foward and you will succeed.... Diana

wendy said...

sounds like you have things off to a great start.
I too hope it will be a good year.
My word for this year is Hope. One of my son's said...let's go for EPIC. good idea, I'd like epic.

I need to lessen my worry list I guess and let God take over.

I've missed you, so keep blogging and let us know how things are going.
and IS hard sometimes to just let go and let our children start making their own decisions.

Stephanie said...

Woo Hoo! I love your new outlook on everything. You can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. I'm proud of you. We need to talk. Let's schedule a time okay?

Emma said...

Good for you sista.... stay strong!

septembermom said...

I love the "voice" in this post. You are a strong, amazing woman through and through. I know that a great year is ahead for you. Hugs, hugs, hugs!

tiki_lady said...

i love your new goals! and love that you are trusting the boy into growing into the man that you knew he would always become