The basketball shorts were comfortable except the shorts kept riding up in the front especially when I would be on the treadmill walking or running. I often had to stop because it felt uncomfortable and not to mention looks funny. And they made my butt look bigger!
The tank top was comfortable and felt cool, but I hated exposing my upper arms. The only time I felt self-conscious about my arms was when I was working out in the weight room and there are mirrors every where. All I could see were my upper arms which I didn't like looking at, but the mirrors are right there!

The velour pants were comfortable and flattering, but they're not meant to work out in! The pants become it's own heat furnace. It's too hot to work out in them and not practical. Velour pants tend be very long in the bottom so it's easy to trip over them, especially when your jogging uphill on the treadmill!

My husband finally got tired of me complaining about my work out clothes and suggested that I should go out and buy new ones. I hate spending money on clothes that I'm going to sweat in, but he insisted that it would probably improve my attitude towards going to the gym. So, where do you shop if you don't want to spend too much money? Walmart!
I bought 2 pairs of black Danskin tights for only $7 each! They met all my requirements for a perfect workout outfit: It was comfortable, it's black & interchangeable. I didn't have to constantly adjust it. It felt slimming and held EVERYTHING in and I also looked great in it!

I bought 3 pairs of t-shirts that were roomy, covered my upper arms, felt comfortable, and looked great with the black tights. I bought a grey, white, & black t-shirts, all the same design. And they were only $3 each! I would have bought more, but I didn't like the other colors.

A whole new work out wardrobe for less than $28! I know you probably shouldn't care about what you wear at the gym and I know I may sound vain. I mean when you come right down to it, who cares how you look at the gym? Unfortunately, I do! I have found that a simple thing like feeling good in what I wear to the gym has made a world of difference and I have gone to the gym almost every day this week. I actually look forward going to the gym because now I like how I look in my work out duds and that's a good thing.
Bottom line....whatever works to motivate yourself to work out and be healthy.
Food for Thought: "We are shaped and fashioned by what we love."

Good workout clothes make all the difference! You aren't being vain!
I love all the quick-dry/wicking fabrics - I am a sweaty mess at the end of my workouts so every little bit helps! Another good place to get brand name workout clothes for less is TJ Max/Marshalls. I've gotten lots of Nike and Adidas stuff there. I also love Under Armour, and if I *REALLY* want to splurge, Lululemon.
Enjoy your new purchases!
I'm with you - it's important to feel good about the way you look, even at the gym. Plus, you never know who you'll run into and you don't want to be embarrassed about how you look.
Oh yes, you need to have workout clothes that you feel good in - after all, the workout is hard enough, why be uncomfortably dressed, too?
You got some great deals at Wal Mart; like the first commenter, I second TJ Maxx for more good deals on gym clothes.
Have a great week!
I wear my workout clothes even outside the gym. I like looking "sporty." :)
I've sworn off Wal-mart (though your deals tempt me), but Target also has some decent sale prices.
H.K.! I totally know what you mean about workout clothes! If I'm wearing baggy clothes, I want to go home and get on the couch...but if I feel good in my workout clothes, I tend to workout longer and do better! Great to hear from you...I'm going to start being better about updating and reading. I finally got everything in place so I'm back on track! :)
H.K.! I totally know what you mean about workout clothes! If I'm wearing baggy clothes, I want to go home and get on the couch...but if I feel good in my workout clothes, I tend to workout longer and do better! Great to hear from you...I'm going to start being better about updating and reading. I finally got everything in place so I'm back on track! :)
Ohhh although I don't like to admit it either, I care about how I look at the gym!! When you feel good about yourself and how you look workouts are 10x the fun!!! :)
Love your t-shirt!!!!!!
Sounds great! You have to be comfortable! Looks like you got a great deal.
Love it! I have about 2 dozen v-neck t-shirts in every color I can find, and wear one almost every single day. I like the Sonoma brand from Kohl's a lot when I can catch them on sale - sometimes as low as $2, but most of the time, $5 or $6.
I knew I wore my walmart workout garb tooo much when people started asking:
oh, are you coming from the gym?
and Id have no clue what they meant until I looked down.
then Id be forced to say:
this isnt workout attire ;) it is just ATTIRE.
I love my WM collection!! Thank you for your sweet comment.. It would be hard to go what you are going through. Self discovery is a big deal and I had to do so much of it while I was losing the weight. I still continue to see what I am made of with keeping it off.
Good luck in your adventures.
I am again tracking my food intake. It's a good thing to do when times are busy and hectic!
What a fun post. I work out in some comfy yoga pants and tshirts. Comfortable makes all the difference doesnt it?
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