I just don't wanna count my calories. I would much rather throw away all the measuring cups and just eat to my heart's content.
I just don't wanna eat my vegetables. I would rather eat french fries and add lots of ketchup, that should count as my vegetable servings.
I just don't wanna drink water. I would rather sip on a Starbucks Venti peppermint hot chocolate with whole milk and lots and lots of whip cream.
I have had a lot on my mind lately and still feeling overwhelmed, but as much as I want to throw everything out, I haven't. Since Tuesday, I've been waking up every day not feeling motivated to do anything especially when it comes to diet and exercise, but I've been doing it anyway. For some reason going to the gym sounds like a Herculean effort, so I've been walking with my husband in the evenings or working out with a video. And I count my calories/points even though it's a pain in the butt! However, when I wake up in the mornings there are no regrets of what I did the night before because I've been doing all the things I need to do to lose weight, get fit, and be healthy.
That's the test, to do the things that need to be done whether you like it or not. I lost only half a pound this week, but I'm okay with that. I'm losing inches faster than I'm losing weight. I wore my denim long shorts yesterday and they were loose on the hips, they are not snug anymore and my arms are getting more toned and smaller! I look back at my previous weight losses and I always tend to lose inches quicker than losing weight, mainly because I always do a lot of strength training. I've been told by a trainer that if I continue to do what I'm doing, I'll eventually see more weight loss on and of course no more binging!
Food for Thought: "Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day." Author unknown

That is the test isn't it...to see if we will do the hard things. I have to rememeber that most worth while things take effort......even when you don't want to.
Thanks for your comments today. I needed to hear sll that said.
Today is new day.
I don't wanna exercise either. I don't wanna eat right either. I don't wanna be a big girl anymore either. We gotta stay with the program so we can reach our goal!! That's the most important thing. I think it's a worldwide epidemic this week, not wanting to move!! I have been so lazy but luckily the scale is still being generous! thanks for the blog...you may have just motivated my butt to get to the gym!!
That was great thanks! I feel the same way about counting and measuring. I love doing my work out, but can't stand not being able to eat all I want too! Thank you for sharing your journey!
I guess what you are doing falls into the category of sometimes we just have to do things that we just don't want to do. Kudos for you for not giving up and sticking to it!
I know how hard it is to stay motivated. Way to go for doing it anyway!!
I hear ya, girl. I go through the same "don't wannas" every day. But you know - nothing worth doing is easy. This is HARD, but it is so worth it.
Way to go, pushing through the "I don't wannas"! You are an inspiraton H.K.
Hang in there. This will pass and you are going to owe yourself one heckuva reward for sticking out the tough times!
i dont wanna have to do all that stuff too. i havent exercised in a week! i am going to the gym tomorrow whether i want to or not. i dont have a choice!!!
I'm so proud of you!! And I LOVE your food for thought today. Miss you....
I needed this today. I've been feeling unmotivated the past couple of days, too. Thanks for being a good example - doing things even if you don't necessarily want to. :)
When I read your "I-don't-wanna's" I felt a bit of guilt, it was like my sub-conscience speaking hehehe. (I don't wanna have one piece of chocolate per day. I wanna stuff myself with chocolate BARS until I'm full).
But yes the HARD work is paying off aren't they!!
And I'm always glad that I'm not doing this alone. We always have one another~~ going through the same things and fighting the same fight :>
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