Knowledge is power and that is the only way I'm going to see results on the weight scale because right now I haven't seen any significant weight loss this month. My main focus the past few weeks was to get out of the habit of binging and late night snacking. Now it's time to step it up!
I went to my weight loss group today & got some helpful tips. There were a lot of great things discussed, but these were the tips that really stood out for me.
- Buy new workout clothes. Who gets motivated to go to the gym, when you have old frumpy sweats? Lots of great sales at Walmart.
- Work out with music. I don't have an Ipod or MP3 player, so now I need to get one. In the past when I've worked out with music, I worked out longer. Without music, I keep looking at the clock, counting the minutes until it's over.
- Chew lots of sugar free gum. When I feel like I need something in my mouth, chew gum, especially when I feel like eating late night munchies.
For now those are the tips that will get me motivated. I want to look forward to the summer and not dread it because I can't hide behind layers of clothes. It's all about baby steps, taking it one day at a time and being accountable.
Food for Thought: "Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history." ~Joan Wallach Scott

You are doing an awesome job! As for me, I think I ate somewhere in the neighborhood of 47 chocolate pieces yesterday.
In my defense, it was lunch.
Yay for Weight Watchers!
Some other places to find cute brand name (Adidas, Nike, etc.) are TJ Max, Marshalls, and Kohls!
I have become OBSESSED with workout clothes, lol...
All great ideas but the ipod works best for me. Good luck with WW - it's probably just what you need right now.
That is awesome progress this month! Weight Watchers is definitely a good thing...when I plateau on my calorie counting, I switch to WW for about a month and it gets me going again!! I LOVE taking walks with my iPod, it helps so much, and studies show that when you work out with your iPod you tend to walk to the beat of the music, so listen to FAST workout songs!! :) Good luck and great job! :)
Great tips!! Good luck with weight watchers. I just started back counting points. I've been pretty successful with that in the past - it's a great way to monitor how much you eat. I've never been one for the meetings, but my mom swears by them. She said the support is really great. And there's the accountability thing - having to weigh in, in front of people every week!! Hope it works for you. :)
Great tips! Love the Food for Thought quote. I'm going to have copy/paste it and send it to a few friends. You're doing really well! Keep it up.
Too funny because I just 'came out' on my blog about being a WW member (I've been doing it for a few months now and love it). I needed the extra push too. Good luck with it! (I wish we could share where we lived I'd love to sit next to you in class!!)
Those are great tips. And awesome job on sticking to your plan.
great job on meeting your goals!
I have to say that weight watchers is the best way to lose the weight, it really works and you dont have to give up your cravings for chocolate! just make sure you work it in your day and stay within your points!
here's to a new adventure!
you have been nominated for a super blogger award by me! congrats! : )
Those are great tips. I love the gum thing. It always works for me.
Go to my blog, I left something for you!
Thanks for the tips! I'm excited to try to lose weight right along with you! I love your honest views of losing wieght - I especially liked your story about the talker at the gym! Thanks for the smile!
All EXCELLENT tips! I also wear my workout clothes at home to keep me mindful of my newer, fitter status. :) (Has nothing to do with the extreme comfort factor.)
I *LOVE* that you are transitioning to different approaches as you are ready for them. So many times, we just jump in and try to overhaul everything at once, but you're trying things, evaluating, and then moving on (or not.) I predict tremendous success with this method!
Thanks for the looking young comment! So I have been thinking that maybe I should start a weigh in blog to better assist my goals of shedding some long overdue weight....thanks for being an inspiration! But HK you are so not even overweight look great! but i understand that not everyone is satisfied with their weight and at least you are making great strides as you reach your goal. Great work!
22 days without binging???!!! You are my HERO!
Good luck with WW! I'm sure you'll do great!
And... there's something for you at my blog. Pop on over when you get a chance! :)
Woo hoo!! You go girl! Take charge! :)
Good Luck with WW. I've been doing WW since Sept. and I have nothing but good things to say about. WW Works.
Hi there! I'm new to your blog, and I think its fab (I just added you to my blogroll!)
Great tips that you shared. I also noticed that when I brush my teeth right after eating, I have no desire to nibble on anything else since my mouth is so nice and clean.
Thank you! It feel's great! It sure was not easy but having the 100 pounds off I have to say was worth all of the obstacles I faced and everything else that goes along with losing weight.
It's a day at a time thing for sure!! Keep up your pace and you will make everyone of your goals!!
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