1 packet of oatmeal
1/2 c nf milk
6 pieces of Easter Candy
Morning Snack
lite yogurt
6 pieces of Easter Candy
1 chicken breast
1 serving of salad
Easter Candy, lots of it
I hated that I wrote Easter Candy in all my meals! I threw away the candy and I was very conscious of what I was putting in my mouth. When I would write down what I ate, I would also write how I felt before and after I ate. (I'm also an emotional eater, so it's important for me to record how I feel.) I was cleaning out my purse & there were two pieces of Hershey Kisses! I was going to pop it right into my mouth, until I realized that I would have to record it! The Hershey Kisses went straight into the GARBAGE!
My food journal is keeping me honest. It's keeping me accountable for what I eat. I haven't been doing any mindless eating. And I think twice before I put anything in my mouth. That doesn't mean I don't eat it, but at least I think about it first!
Food for thought: "Accountability breeds response-ability." Stephen R. Covey

This is a great tool to have. It really does make you stop and think and ask yourself whether it's worth recording in your journal. It will make a huge difference in your progress. Keep up the good work.
writing down what i eat keeps me in line too. if i dont journal it, i can eat everything in sight...
love the quote by Covey. He says lots of good stuff. I wish I was better at tracking. I start out great, then I peter out at the end of the day. Thanks for all your encouraging comments. You don't know how much I appreciate them.
gigi- I'm already seeing the difference it makes in my life! It is a very useful tool.
wendy- that is why i keep the journal too...i don't want to eat everything that isn't nailed to the floor!
Mcbutter pants - i tend to peter out towards the end of the day too. but, i still remember what i ate and then record it the next day.
I hear ya on recording the good, bad and ugly in your food journal...I'm the only one who sees mine, and I'm still embarrassed to write "Dove Dark Chocolate Promises - 4 pieces" in it!
Not that I've ever had to do that. ;)
Good idea...I've done this many times in the past...with good results.....then, I go back to my non writing ways-- and BAM!! right back where I started. I don't mean to sound negative. I wish you all the luck and accountability in the world.
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