Monday, December 13, 2010

RM: Man of many talents

It's RM's birthday this month! And to help celebrate his birthday, I wanted to write some great things about him. But what should I write about him that doesn't sound "over the top corny"?

Should I tell you that he makes me laugh all the time? We're talking about the laugh out loud, holding the belly type of laugh - he's that funny.

Should I tell you when Moe was little, his friends would come to our house and ask if RM could play too? RM has an ability to talk and connect to kids of all ages- he's a kid at heart.

Did I mention that RM is also musically talented?

We celebrated this past Thanksgiving at a friend's house with their family. My mother, my sister, and her family were there too. And while the women were eating desserts in the kitchen, the guys were in the living room making music... without any sheet music! They played by ear- ranging from reggae, jazz, Beatles songs, to current top 40.

One of the gals asked me, "Wow, RM is really good! How long has he played the cello bass?"

I looked dumbfounded and said, "I didn't know he played."

You think you know someone after being married to them for 19 years.

RM plays the ukulele.

RM plays the piano.

RM plays the bass guitar, drums and he sings too!

Moe has inherited RM's musical talents and plays the guitar and ukulele. It was the first time that Moe got to accompany RM musically and I'm sure it won't be the last time.

Alright, maybe this birthday tribute to RM is "over the top corny". But I know that RM is loving every word of this!


Kristina P. said...

He seems like such a fun guy! Happy birthday to RM.

Emma said...

Nope not corny, it sounds lovely.

The Crazy Coxes said...

Happy Birthday to RM! I don't think your list is corny! It's wonderful.

Unknown said...

He's all that and more..... Happy 'Birthmonth', RM!

wendy said...

What a fun tribute to you hubby. I am glad he makes beautiful music!!!
One who makes you laugh and makes your heart sing..........well what more could a girl ask for.
You guys are so cute together.

wendy said...
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Suzanne said...

I love that you didn't know he played the bass cello!!! Ba! Ha! Ha!!!!!!!!!

septembermom said...

Happy Birthday to your musical fellow! Wow, he's one talented guy. Is Moe ready to start a band with his cool dad??